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September 07, 2022
  • Harbyjay Official
  • Posted by Harbyjay Official

Faced with the digital transformation that businesses of all sizes and industries have undergone in rece…

What is a cyber attack?

Faced with the digital transformation that businesses of all sizes and industries have undergone in recent years, one reality that cannot be overlooked is that no one is immune to becoming a victim of a cyber attack at any time.

For this reason, it is becoming increasingly important to implement strategies and measures that reduce the possibility of such an attack, which jeopardizes the company's reputation, operations, and relationships with customers and suppliers. 

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Main causes of a cyber attack

Due to the digital transformation that companies are undergoing and the massive use of new information technologies, we are increasingly more connected and have access to much more data.

However, despite the advantages that this represents, it has also facilitated more attacks by cybercriminals who are attentive to the vulnerabilities that computer systems may have to take advantage of and cause damage. 

Among the main causes that can generate a cyber attack are:

  1. Vulnerability of computer systems, that is, failures or deficiencies that put assets at risk as they are not effectively protected.
  2. Accidental disclosure of confidential information by employees.
  3. Loss and theft of electronic devices that store private company information.
  4. Bad-intentioned and unscrupulous employees who put company information at risk.
  5. Gaps or lack of controls by third parties , that is, if they are victims of an attack, cybercriminals can access information from other companies with which they have relationships and find a way to harm them as well. 
  6. Social engineering which in general terms consists of the manipulation of specific people in order to obtain confidential data such as passwords or others of great value and importance to the company. 

All these situations can facilitate the materialization of a cyber attack, which can present itself in different ways.

Types of cyber attacks 

When we talk about a cyberattack, we refer to offensive and harmful actions against information systems , be it from a person, a company or a government entity. These systems can be computer networks, databases and all assets that store data and confidential and valuable information of the organization.

When committing these attacks, cybercriminals generally seek to affect, alter or destroy not only the reputation of a company or person, but also to negatively impact its operation and the relationship with its different interest groups. 

For this reason, it is important to know what the main cyberattacks that can occur are in order to know how to act quickly and intelligently and be able to mitigate the impacts. 

The first thing to keep in mind is that these attacks can be both external and internal , yes, in some cases it may happen that an employee voluntarily attacks the company, although most of the time this happens accidentally. 

The most common cyberattacks that companies can be victims of are:

1. Phishing and spear phishing

Phishing consists of emails or text messages that appear to be sent by trusted sources and that persuade the recipient to complete an action, open a malicious link, that will put personal or company information at risk.

And spear phishing seeks to obtain valuable data by targeting a specific person or company after gaining their trust. This attack is widely used with well-known companies and individuals.

2. Whaling

They are aimed at managerial profiles such as CEO's or CFO's and other senior positions in organizations with the aim of stealing confidential information to which they have access.

3. Malware

It is a malicious program or code that secretly and silently affects an information system. Malware has the ability to break into, harm and disable computers and other information assets, in other words, through it you can steal and delete data, hijack functions and spy on activities without being noticed. Some malware are ransomware , Trojans, and spyware.

4. Ransomware

Also known as data hijacking, it consists of the blocking, by a hacker, of an electronic device and the encryption of the files so that the owner user cannot access the stored information and data. 

5. SQL injection

It is a web attack that consists of the infiltration of malicious code that takes advantage of errors and vulnerabilities in a web page. It is used to steal databases, manipulate or destroy information. 

Other attacks or cyber threats that can occur are: distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, Trojans or password attacks.

Consequences of suffering a cyber attack 

Undoubtedly, one of the main consequences of being a victim of a cybercriminal is the impact on the company's reputation , since this is based on trust, which can be diminished when it becomes known that an attack of this type has been suffered.  

But this is not the only impact generated by a cyberattack, others, just as important, are:

  1. Cessation of activities or delays in the production processes or provision of services because the systems are blocked, there is kidnapping of information and they must focus on the rescue to be able to operate normally. 
  2. Economic effects. On the one hand because criminals can demand large amounts of money for the rescue of the information, that is, the company is the victim of extortion, and on the other hand because business expenses increase since, in order to solve the problem, many times, accompaniment and technological and legal advice from experts is required. 
  3. Loss of customers and suppliers. It is related to the damage to the reputation and image of the company, since audiences such as these can stop trusting the company that was the victim of a cyberattack since they see that it is vulnerable and can also put them at risk. 

What to do to prevent a cyber attack?

To prevent the materialization of a cybernetic threat or risk, first of all it is key to implement training and awareness strategies on computer security and cybersecurity for the organization's employees , considered the weakest link in the chain.

It is essential to do this consistently and effectively to ensure that everyone understands the importance of making good use of the assets and information to which they have access, as well as being careful with the passwords they use and being alert to possible cases of phishing, malware or other attacks. 

In addition to this, companies must be prepared to avoid a cyber attack , that is, have tools and develop practices that allow them to detect vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their systems in time to correct them in time, for example, ethical hacking .

September 05, 2022
  • Harbyjay Official
  • Posted by Harbyjay Official

In this digital era, cyber security is one of the security practices that must be mastered by everyone w…

Cyber ​​Security: Definition, Elements, & Types of Threats

In this digital era, cyber security is one of the security practices that must be mastered by everyone who uses the internet.

Because nowadays everyone is very dependent on technology to carry out their daily activities. Be it individuals, companies, or even government institutions.

Technology and the internet are used to transfer data, find information, communicate with other people, and store important data on various devices.

Well, cyber security is useful for ensuring that all activities and data on the internet are safe and protected from various types of cybercrime.

If you want to know more about what cyber security is, you're in luck! In this article, we will discuss the meaning of cyber security, its elements, and examples of threats.

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What is Cyber ​​Security?

As previously mentioned, nowadays almost everyone, be it individuals or organizations, is dependent on technology and the internet.

Unfortunately, almost all systems and networks on the internet have security holes that can be easily exploited by hackers. 

That is why implementing effective cyber security is a must to increase the level of system security and reduce the risk of cyber threats. 

Cyber security is a practice that aims to protect a device, network, program, and data from all kinds of dangerous digital attacks. 

Cyber ​​security practices include installing firewalls, data backups, multi-factor authentication and so on that can prevent cybercriminals from entering your system.

Cyber ​​security is a field that continues to change and develop from time to time influenced by the rapid advances in technology and cybercrimes today.

The success of cyber security practices is much influenced by how strong the defense system that you implement on the system and network is.

The best way to ensure that you will always be protected is through multiple layers of protection. Of course, this will ensure the security of your data and systems on the internet.

Cyber ​​Security Concepts

Cyber security follows the practice of the CIA Triad as its basic concept. This concept includes confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

The following is a brief explanation of each of these concepts:

Confidentiality — as the name implies, confidentiality is an attempt to keep information and data secret so that there is no theft or data leakage.

Integrity — integrity ensures that all data and information provided is consistent, accurate, and reliable. 

Availability — as the name implies, availability is when existing data and information can be accessed smoothly and easily without hindrance.

Cyber ​​Security Elements

To run cyber security effectively, there are several important elements that need to be considered. Here are some of them:

  1. Application Security
  2. Network Security
  3. Information Security
  4. Operational Security   
  5. Disaster Recovery Planning
  6. End-User Education

Benefits of Cyber ​​Security

Cyber ​​security brings benefits to both individuals and companies. Among others are:

  • Protection of sensitive data — all your data can be better protected from identity theft threats.
  • Maintain productivity — with cyber security, your systems and networks are protected from malware and other threats, so you can work more productively and safely.   
  • Shorter recovery time — even if you experience a data breach or other disruption, you can speed up the recovery process and prevent multiple losses.  
  • Build customer trust — with a strong security system, customers will not worry if their sensitive data is exploited by hackers and will be more confident to choose your product/service. 

Types of Threats to Cyber ​​Security

Cyber ​​attacks take many forms, including: 

  • Phishing — attackers attempt to steal sensitive data from victims by impersonating legal institutions and contacting them via email, phone, or text message.
  • Malware — programs or files created to exploit or damage your device, server, or network.
  • Ransomware — a type of malware designed to lock your files or device and then charge you a ransom.
  • Social Engineering — perpetrators exploit psychological aspects of victims and encourage them to provide personal information and access to their devices. 


In short, cyber security is an effort made by individuals, businesses, or institutions to minimize threats and risks from various cyberattacks.

The step is to provide stronger protection for your device or service, so that it can continue to operate properly without any interference from hackers.

September 03, 2022
  • Harbyjay Official
  • Posted by Harbyjay Official

The term Internet of Things or IoT has been in the digital landscape for several years. Recent technolog…

Internet of Things: What it is and how it can be applied to companies

The term Internet of Things or IoT has been in the digital landscape for several years. Recent technological advancements have made it more relevant.

60% of the world's population is connected to the internet in some way. The trend continues to rise, with an increasing number of smart devices capable of connecting to the network.

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What is the Internet of Things/IoT

Internet of Things consists of everyday household devices that can connect to the Internet.

Devices capable of making this connection are often called “Smart” or “intelligent”. The most obvious case is smartphones, but Smart TVs are also very common in homes.

The Internet of Things allows communication between the different devices in your home and your digital devices. The IoT can also be applied to other areas besides the domestic one. In fact, it is now being used in fields such as medicine and industry.

How the IoT works

The Internet of Things works by utilizing a programming instruction where each argument command can produce an interaction between devices that are connected to each other automatically without human intervention.

Even over long distances, the internet can be a link between the two device interactions. Meanwhile, humans only serve as direct regulators and supervisors of the work of these devices.

The biggest challenge in the world of the Internet of Things is building its own communication network, which is a very complex network and requires a strict security system. In addition, expensive operational costs are often the cause of failures that lead to production failures.

Internet of Things for companies

This technology isn't just useful for making the home more comfortable and efficient. It is also applicable in the business sector, and there are several success stories where IoT technology has been applied in various business areas.

The Internet of Things represents a vast improvement in industrial machinery and devices and allows better relationships with customers, suppliers and partners.

It is necessary to consider that the volume of data generated by devices with Internet of Things in the business environment is much higher than what can be generated at home, necessitating the need for a good Data Warehouse infrastructure to manage Big Data.

Likewise, ensuring secure IoT systems against data theft and other cyber attacks is a key aspect of the business Internet of Things.

  • Internet of Things in Industry: This technology can be used to perform predictive maintenance on machinery. In other words, the machine itself can detect the state of its parts using sensors and later notify when changes or repairs are required.
  • Internet of Things in Agriculture: Currently, humidity sensors are widely used to automate irrigation systems and make the use of water and energy in agriculture much more efficient.
  • Internet of Things in Transport and Logistics: It is possible to track shipping containers and their movements through the use of IoT. In this way, checking the situation and the status of the shipments is much more specific. The sensors of the facilities are no longer necessary because it is the containers and packages themselves that send the information continuously.
  • Internet of Things in Medicine: The Internet of Things can be added to medical machineries such as nebulizers, X-ray machines, defibrillators, and even wheelchairs. These connected devices keep patients and doctors in contact, always with up-to-date information on the state of health and facilitate monitoring even once the patient has returned home.
  • Internet of Things in the Retail sector: Using IoT technology, physical stores will be able to offer different spaces, more intended for entertainment than for shopping, and also obtain a large amount of data about customers and their needs, allowing them to provide better products and customer service.

Doubts about the Internet of Things

Cybersecurity is a very current concern, and the Internet of Things, like every new step in technological progress, causes reluctance in many people. 

  • Isn't it dangerous that all our information is in the cloud? 
  • How do we guarantee privacy if each of the devices in the house stores information about us and our habits? 
  • Will companies be able to access our private information?

These are all the common doubts about the Internet of Things. Of course, a fully connected environment will require specific legislation that guarantees users' right to privacy and companies must offer maximum security for data in the cloud. 

Currently, guaranteeing the security and privacy of the information collected by smart devices is already one of the main concerns of companies that offer devices with the Internet of Things.

Like everything else, the Internet of Things is a technology that has its advantages and disadvantages. However, it has undeniably great utility in many fields and opens the door to a more comfortable and automated life.

September 01, 2022
  • Harbyjay Official
  • Posted by Harbyjay Official

Various cybersecurity attacks continue to grow in quality and quantity from time to time. The danger is …

What is VPN and it's Benefits

Various cybersecurity attacks continue to grow in quality and quantity from time to time. The danger is that anyone can be the target of these threats, including you. 

To anticipate it, you need to equip yourself with multiple layers of security. And one of the best options is to use a VPN. 

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What is a VPN?

A virtual private network (VPN) is a tool that helps you connect to the internet via an encrypted and more secure connection.

By using a VPN, all your online activities will not be seen by anyone, be it hackers, government institutions, or even the internet service provider (ISP) you use.

Whenever you access a site or online service, your device will be connected to a server belonging to the VPN service provider.

This server then hides your IP address and provides a replacement IP address. Therefore, the identity and location of your device can be protected and cannot be tracked by any party. 

VPN Protocols

Interestingly, the VPN service also provides various VPN protocols options that you can choose manually according to your needs. Some of them are as follows:

  • OpenVPN

Most VPN services use OpenVPN as the default protocol. Apart from having a stable connection, this protocol also offers the best level of encryption and is compatible with various devices and operating systems. OpenVPN also has optimal performance for remote connections.   

  • IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2)

works very well for short-distance connections. Amazingly, this protocol is equipped with the ability to switch your network automatically if suddenly your connection is lost. IKEv2 is also a fast, stable, and reliable protocol for streaming various online media.   

  • L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol)

usually combined with the IPSec protocol to produce a secure and stable connection. This protocol can also be relied on for streaming your favourite online media. 

  • PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol)

Although it has a fairly fast and stable connection, PPTP is not equipped with reliable encryption. This protocol is not the right option for those who prefer the security aspect.

  • SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol)

has promising performance on Windows devices. However, this protocol is not highly recommended for online media streaming.

What Are the Benefits of a VPN?

Having learned what a VPN is, let's now discuss some of the benefits it has:

1. Privacy is More Protected

You get the freedom to access the internet in an anonymous mode so that no one will be able to track your online activities.

With strong encryption, all your data will not be exploited by any party and will be protected from the threat of identity theft, including when accessing the internet using public wifi networks.       

2. More Guaranteed Performance

Without a VPN, other parties (including ISPs) can control and slow down your connection because it is considered to have crossed a predetermined data usage limit.

Whereas with a VPN, other people will not be able to know what content you open on the internet, thus preventing them from interrupting your network.  

3. Accessing Blocked Content Easily

You no longer have to worry about geo-restrictions or censorship that stop you from accessing various content on the internet.

This is because a VPN helps you change the location of your device by taking advantage of spoofing technology, making it appear as if you are connecting from another country.  

4. Improve Connection Security

Without a doubt, a VPN can strengthen the security of your network. Besides being equipped with reliable data encryption, VPNs also come with malware filters.

As a result, you can access online banking or make other transactions safely; without worrying if your account information and sensitive data will be stolen by cybercriminals.  

5. Ease of Remote Access

If your company enforces WFH, a VPN makes it easy for you to open and transfer company data from any location.

A VPN also guarantees that your information remains protected and will not be exploited by any party. 

Things to Consider When Choosing a VPN Service

Interested in using a VPN? First, consider some crucial points that you need to pay attention to before choosing a VPN service.

1. What Protocol Options Are Provided?

Make sure the VPN service you choose provides the best protocol technology to ensure the protection of your connection. As a recommendation, you can choose a service that offers the OpenVPN protocol, which is equipped with stronger security features than other protocols.   

2. Free or Paid?

Of course, always adjust to the budget you have. The good news is that many VPN services also come with a free version. Among them are Avira Phantom VPN, Kaspersky VPN Secure Connection, Speedify, and Hotspot Shield VPN. 

But keep in mind that the free version may have slower performance and have very limited features. Some free VPNs will also display advertisements that can interfere with your convenience, or even secretly sell your data to other parties.    

3. Where is its Server Location?

Keep in mind that server location is a key factor affecting your network speed. The closer the server's physical location is, the faster your connection will be to access the internet. 

In addition to the location, also find out the number of servers provided. The more servers a VPN service has, the lower the chance that the service will be overloaded or down. As a recommendation, choose a VPN service with at least 1000 servers.   

4. Is it compatible with your device?

Equally important, find out whether the VPN service you choose supports the operating system you are using or not. Then if you plan to use the VPN on multiple devices (including mobile phones), make sure that the service supports connecting to multiple devices at the same time.    

5. Does the Service Respect Your Privacy?

Most VPNs do claim that they enforce a no-log policy or won't log your activity. But there's nothing wrong if you read their privacy policy carefully to make sure that they really respect your privacy.


A VPN is a functional tool that offers an additional layer of security to your device. With its ability to mask IP addresses, you can surf the internet anonymously without worrying that your privacy will be exploited by others.    

You can get many benefits from a VPN service, such as protection of remote data access, ease of opening blocked content, keeping your network performance stable, etc. 

But before deciding on the best VPN option for your device, make sure the service fulfils the following:

  1. Provides reliable protocol.
  2. Have a price that fits your budget.
  3. Have a physical server location not far from you.
  4. Can be used on various devices.
  5. Have a privacy policy that will not harm you. 

August 30, 2022
  • Harbyjay Official
  • Posted by Harbyjay Official

If you have been working in the field of information technology and cyber security for a while, you wou…

8+ Common Hacking Software Used by Hackers

If you have been working in the field of information technology and cyber security for a while, you would already be familiar with the terms hacker and hacking.

In a nutshell, hackers are people who break into other people's computer systems without their permission. The term "hacker" typically has a negative connotation.

However, there are ethical hackers who assist businesses in identifying flaws in their websites.

Even so, it never hurts to be cautious in order to keep your website or server safe from attacks.

You don't want to be a victim of a malicious black hat hacker, do you?

This article will cover some of the most common hacking software used by hackers.

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Types of Hackers

Here are the types of hackers that are often encountered on the Internet:

  1. Ethical hacker/White hat hacker— a hacker who gains legal access to a system to test and fix any vulnerabilities present in the system. 
  2. Black hat hacker — a hacker who accesses a computer system without permission. The aim of a black hat hacker is usually to steal data, get money, etc. 
  3. Grey hat hacker — this type is between ethical and black hat hackers. Grey hat hackers look for weaknesses in a system and offer solutions to the system's owner in the hope of getting a reward.
  4. Script kiddies — this type of hacker is usually a new hacker who is not very reliable and only relies on other people's code to carry out his hacking mission.

8+ Common Hacking Software Used by Hackers

Here is a list of some of the best hacker software that you should know:

1. Acunetix

Acunetix is ​​a cyber security application which is used to scan web application vulnerabilities. 

This application will identify security vulnerabilities from javascript code, HTML5, etc., to find security vulnerabilities on your system.

Acunetix is ​​usually used by ethical hackers to stay one step ahead of malicious hackers. 

2. Hackode

If you want to test an operating system made by Google (like Android), this application has many features that you can use to find weaknesses in the OS. 

Some existing features include Google Hacking, SQL Injection, MySQL server, WhoIs, DNS lookup, DNS Dif, Security RSS Feed, Exploits, etc.

Thanks to its versatility and multifunctionality, hackode can be used by both beginners and professionals. For those who are just learning hacking, this app is perfect!

3. Lucky Patcher

If you are looking for a hacker application based on Android, Lucky Patcher can be the right choice. This application is usually used to make paid applications free.

In addition, this application is also commonly used to create new application files to create phishing ads and remove existing ads in an application.

To use the lucky patcher application, you must have root access to your smartphone system.

4. Netsparker

Netsparker is a security scanner service that helps web developers find security gaps that exist on a website.

But unfortunately, this service is often misused by hackers to break into websites with weak security.

Netsparker is a very useful hacker software because it can test errors found on a website.

Netsparker also offers a free version that can be used to analyze several websites. With this feature, hackers can easily see weaknesses and break into websites.

5. Termux

Termux is an Android application that functions as a terminal emulator for the Debian Linux-based operating system.

 The main function of this application is to enter, display and print data on the Linux operating system directly from your Android device.

With Termux, hackers can run programming languages ​​such as Python, Perl, and Ruby and use SSH clients without having root access. 

Termux can be used to hack wifi networks, speed up internet connections, and make your smartphone internet network more stable.

6. Traceroute NG

This software allows you to analyze network paths and identify IP addresses, hostnames, and lost packages via a command-line interface. 

With Traceroute, you can analyze network paths and connections from one system to another. Usually, this software is used to perform network diagnostics.

In addition, this software can also be used to exploit IP packet headers known as TTL or Time-to-live. 

7. Burp Suite

Burp Suite is a java-based framework that is used to perform system and application testing. 

This tool is widely used by professionals to identify vulnerabilities and attacks affecting web applications.

Burp Suite is also commonly used by ethical hackers to check and fix vulnerabilities in a system. 

8. Ettercap

Ettercap is a hacker tool that is often used by ethical hackers. The tool supports active and passive feature dissection for network and host analysis over multiple protocols.

Using Ettercap, you can carry out attacks against the ARP protocol by acting as a "middleman" who can infect, replace, or delete data on a connection.

In addition, it can also be used to view passwords on protocols such as FTP, HTTP, POP, and SSH. 

Ettercap also has many plugins that can perform other attacks such as DNS spoofing

9. WebInspect

WebInspect is one of the best software that are generally used by hackers.

The main function of WebInspect is to provide a comprehensive analysis of a complex web service.

You will be given a complete report about the website that you are analyzing, starting from the website's performance to the existing security weaknesses.

The WebInspect software allows hackers and security analysts to hack ethically and correct system weaknesses.


Those are some of the hacking software often used by hackers. 

Although hacking does have a negative connotation, hacking can also be used to ensure the security of a system.

If you want to learn how to become an ethical hacker, the software listed above might help you get started. 

August 28, 2022
  • Harbyjay Official
  • Posted by Harbyjay Official

Anyone can be a target of cybercrime threats; be it individuals, companies, or governments. As a matter …

Cybercrime: Definition, Types, and Steps to Prevent It

Anyone can be a target of cybercrime threats; be it individuals, companies, or governments.

As a matter of fact, well-known technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Apple have also been victims of various cyber-attacks. 

Let's understand more deeply what cybercrime is, its impact, as well as some of its categories and types. I hope that by understanding

You will be able to better understand the dangers of this threat to your device or network, then be able to take all precautions to always be protected when using the internet.

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What is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime is a criminal act carried out by cybercriminals, hackers, or cyber crooks via the internet, and targets personal computers, networks, and devices on the network.

These illegal actions can be carried out by individuals or by organized groups. Some cybercriminals are even very professional groups, have good technical skills, and can use sophisticated attack patterns.   

There are several motives that usually underlie this cybercrime action, including:

  • Earn some money; either by extorting victims directly or by selling the data they have stolen to certain parties;
  • Damage or disable the victim's device or network. It could be that the perpetrators want to sabotage their competitors to win the business competition; 
  • Not infrequently, hackers are part of a political group or are contracted by election candidates to manipulate voting results or take other actions to achieve political goals;
  • Sometimes, cybercrooks challenge themselves to be able to penetrate the digital security of certain companies or institutions. Or, they want to gain status or recognition for breaking through strong cybersecurity systems;
  • It is undeniable that cybercrime is often an inseparable part of cyberwar/cyberwarfare between one country and another.

Negative Impact of Cybercrime

Cybercrime can cause a bad influence on the victim. Some of them are: 

1. Financial Losses

McAfee, in their report entitled “The Economic Impact of Cybercrime—No Slowing Down”, released that cybercrime has caused losses of up to $600 billion (USD) worldwide. The report also states that cybercrime is the third biggest threat to the world economy after corruption and narcotics. 

2. Damaging Reputation

Cybercrime can result in the loss of trust from customers, investors, and other companies in a brand. In the end, victims will find it difficult to get new customers and suffer financial losses that are not small.

3. Loss of Important Data

Without a doubt, cybercrime is a major threat to the security of corporate and customer data. The bad news is, customers can sue you for the loss or leak of the data. Not only that, but you can also be subject to fines and penalties from the relevant authorities.

Types and Categories of Cybercrime

Referring to the US Department of Justice (DOJ), cybercrime is divided into three categories, namely: 

  • First, the computer as the object of cybercrime. In this category, cybercriminals will infect the target device with malware to disable it or steal data.
  • Second, the computer as the subject of cybercrime. Here, the perpetrator will turn the target device (another user) into a subject to carry out cybercrime, for example, launching a DDoS attack
  • Third, the computer as an instrument or tool to commit crimes. For example, hackers use computers to store stolen data or other illegal data.

The several types of cybercrime are as follows: 

1. Identity Theft

Identity theft is the act of cybercriminals accessing your sensitive data. For example, the perpetrator steals your credit card information, then uses it to make certain transactions. In other cases, the perpetrator will also sell your personal data over the internet.    

2. Hacking

Hacking refers to the actions of hackers accessing your device without your knowledge or permission. After successfully logging into your system or network, the perpetrator will then carry out various other criminal acts.

3. PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs)

Once upon a time, you installed an application/software that was downloaded from the internet. But apparently, you find that some unwanted programs are also installed. These additional programs are called PUPs. The danger, PUPs can be in the form of spyware or adware which is very dangerous.

4. Illegal Content

Sharing illegal content on the internet is also a cybercrime. Some examples of illegal content include pornography, terrorism, acts of violence or crime, child abuse, hoaxes, and other types of content that violate the law, violate norms, and disrupt public order.  

5. Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking (or online stalking) is the act of cybercriminals to harass, intimidate, or frighten their victims by monitoring their activities on the internet. In addition, cyberstalking also includes the actions of the perpetrator making false accusations, threatening, insulting, or disturbing the victim through social media, email, or certain forums.

In addition to these five things, several other types of crimes such as phishing, cyberextortion, cryptojacking, and software piracy are also included in the type of cybercrime.

Protect Yourself from Cybercrime Threats!

After learning what cybercrime is and its negative effects, you will now understand more and more how important it is to protect your device and data from these threats. 

Although efforts to eliminate all cybercrime attacks are quite difficult and arguably impossible, you can at least take the following precautions:   

  • Never download any files or programs from untrusted sites;
  • Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments received from suspicious senders;
  • Use a strong password. You can take advantage of a password manager tool that is supported by a password generator—a feature that can help you create unique and strong passwords for each account; 
  • Maximize two-factor authentication (2FA) to provide your account with multiple layers of security;
  • Arm your system and network with the latest security patches and software updates;
  • Backup your data regularly to prevent loss or damage to your data;
  • Always be careful when using public Wifi. It's a good idea to use a VPN to encrypt your data;
  • Install anti-virus or anti-malware software to scan, detect and remove any cyber threats on your device;
  • Do not provide your sensitive data, unless you have researched and confirmed the identity of the requesting party. 

August 26, 2022
  • Harbyjay Official
  • Posted by Harbyjay Official

Remember the 3 billion Yahoo email account leak in 2013 ? Did you know that the data leak of the giant I…

Social Engineering: Definition, Types, and How to Prevent It

Remember the 3 billion Yahoo email account leak in 2013? Did you know that the data leak of the giant IT company was actually caused by a social engineering attack via spear phishing email?

The bad news, social engineering attacks can attack anyone, including you. Therefore, let's learn more about what social engineering is!

Hopefully, by understanding it, you can avoid all these attempted attacks and prevent your company data from leakage and all other threats of loss.    

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What is Social Engineering?

Social engineering refers to the actions of hackers manipulating victims to be willing to provide personal information and access to their devices. The information that attackers want to get from this attack can vary.

But in general, they target your account data (in the form of username and password) and your bank card details.

To launch an attack, the perpetrator will interact with the victim (both online and in-person), then exploit the psychological aspect.

In this case, hackers understand that when a person is in a certain emotional state (such as fear, anger, sadness, and even joy), they can perform unreasonable or dangerous actions. 

For example, the perpetrator posing as a tax officer who is investigating a tax fraud case involving you.

Feeling frightened and anxious about the accusations, you are more likely to follow the instructions given by the perpetrator and provide your sensitive data.

Basically, the social engineering attack cycle occurs in four phases, namely:

  • Investigation: the perpetrator identifies and collects detailed information about the victim, then determines the attack method to be carried out;
  • Infiltration: hackers begin to interact with victims and try to build their trust;
  • Exploitation: attackers launch attacks and collect sensitive data from victims or access their devices;
  • Disengagement: the perpetrator ends the interaction without arousing suspicion from the victim. 

Types of Social Engineering Attacks

Now, let's identify what types of attacks are included in social engineering. Some of them are:

1. Phishing

In a phishing attack, hackers will impersonate trusted individuals or institutions and encourage you to disclose your personal data. There are many types of phishing attacks, ranging from spear phishing, whaling, vishing, and several other types.

2. Baiting

Baiting is the act of hackers taking advantage of someone's curiosity or greed. Usually, the perpetrator will lure gifts such as free movies or songs if the victim is willing to log in using his account information.  

3. Pretexting

To launch a pretexting attack, the attacker will use a false identity (such as pretending to be a co-worker), then create a pretext or pretext that appeals to you and convinces you. Once trust has been established, attackers will start to encourage you to give away your sensitive data. 

4. Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo is actually almost similar to baiting. The difference is, baiting offers many gifts in the form of goods, while quid pro quo promises service in exchange for providing personal data. For example, the perpetrator will disguise himself as an IT expert who will offer you technical assistance if you fill in your personal information.

5. Tailgating

Tailgating, also known as piggybacking, refers to the actions of attackers to infiltrate restricted areas of a building. For example, the perpetrator disguised himself as a courier who would deliver goods. They then used a staff member who had access to the building to allow them to enter the restricted area.   

6. Scareware

With scareware, hackers will make victims think that their device is infected with malware. To launch the attack, the attacker will display fake notifications on the victim's device to make them panic, then directs them to install certain software (which is dangerous or has been inserted with malware). 

Tips for Preventing Social Engineering Attacks

Next, let's review some powerful ways to prevent social engineering attacks. 

1. Raise Awareness of Social Engineering Hazards

Anyone can be the target of a social engineering attack, including you, your company, and your employees. Therefore, always make sure that all lines in the company understand all types and techniques of social engineering attacks.      

2. Take Advantage of the Best Email Services

You can also take advantage of email marketing services that are equipped with powerful authentication protocols. This feature can help you ward off spam, phishing, spoofing, malware attacks, and identify suspicious senders' identity.  

3. Don't Hesitate to Double Check, Research and Confirm

Don't be fooled when you get a tempting offer. Check and research who the sender/party offering the gift is in advance. Suppose the perpetrator is on behalf of a service. In that case, you can also confirm the correctness of the information directly to the official contact (which is usually available on the company website).    

4. Use Multi-Factor Authentication

With multi-factor authentication, your account will be provided with an additional layer of security to protect your data and privacy. Attackers will also find it difficult to open your account because they must complete multiple authentication mechanisms such as scanning fingerprints, entering secret codes, or various other methods. 

5. Secure Your Device

Remember, social engineers also often want access to your device. Therefore, equip your device with security software such as antivirus, firewalls, and VPN. 

Equally important, you should also keep your operating system and application versions up to date. The reason is, the latest software brings security patches/updates that can protect your device from all attacks by hackers. 


In this article, you have learned much about social engineering, including the definition, types, and tips to prevent it.

Keep in mind that social engineering can threaten anyone online and offline. And the best way to prevent it is to educate yourself continuously about the attack patterns and techniques used by attackers.

In addition, if you are a webmaster, also make sure that the web hosting service/server you are using has security features and facilities to prevent social engineering attacks.


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