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What are Firewalls? Definition, Functions, and Types

What are Firewalls? Definition, Functions, and Types

Every website, server, and network on the internet requires a strong protection and security system. Firewalls are one of the best security systems to do this.

As consumers, we will certainly rethink using a product or service from a company whose website is infected with malware, right? 

Of course, we will feel worried and afraid that personal data and other sensitive information will be stolen by hackers when using the website to make transactions.

Your consumers will also feel this if your website or online service is not equipped with reliable security and protection, such as a firewall.

If you want to know more about firewalls, this article will cover it.

Let's just get started!

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What are Firewalls?

Firewalls are security devices that work as a filter system for a network or server. 

A firewall is placed between two devices with one device connected to the internet or LAN. 

In the case of a web server, for example, a firewall acts as an intermediary between the web server and the many user devices that want to access your website. 

So before connecting to the web server, all requests from users will be filtered first by the firewall to determine whether access to your website will be granted or not. 

It can be said that the firewall acts as a gatekeeper who monitors and reviews all traffic entering or leaving a device. 

This security system will also help you detect suspicious traffic to avoid DDoS attacks. 

The firewall will also ensure that your device/server is free from malware.

Why Do You Need a Firewall?

It is undeniable that all devices connected to the internet can become targets of hackers and malware. 

Without a strong protection and security system, your device will leave loopholes that hackers can exploit to take over and introduce malware.   

That's why you need a firewall as one of the most important parts of your device protection system. 

This security program will also help you prevent cybercrime attacks that can harm your company.

To further convince you of the importance of a firewall, understand some of its benefits. Among them are:

  • Be at the forefront of security systems by building a barrier between internal and external networks 
  • Control and manage traffic to and from your device
  • Protect your website from DDoS attacks, brute force attacks, malware, and network intrusion attacks
  • Validate every incoming access to avoid cybercrimes that want to take over or shut down your network/computer
  • Record and report the activity of every user in the network

Firewall Functions

A firewall is a security system that must be used by every computer user. This system has a very beneficial function for computer users themselves. 

Here is a brief description of some of the main functions of the firewall!

  • Protect from Virus

The main function of a firewall is to protect computers from viruses. This system can filter out viruses or malware that are usually carried by a program or software on your computer or network.

This security system will detect viruses when you install a program; sometimes, there are files from corrupt or damaged software that cause viruses.

The presence of a virus can cause the computer to fail to operate. With the existence of a computer, firewall security can avoid viruses that are quite disturbing.

  • Protecting Computers from Illegal Software

The next function that is no less important is to protect computers from illegal software or programs.

The firewall system can detect computer programs that are considered illegal or are usually hacked or modified. 

Illegal programs are actually not too harmful to the computer system, but the firewall will still detect it as an error.

  • Bandwidth Monitor

Besides functioning to ensure security on the network, the firewall also has other functions. Firewalls can be used to monitor or limit the bandwidth used by the network.

How Firewalls Work

A firewall is a security system on a computer and how it works is related to security itself. The way the firewall works is divided into three, namely:

  • Filtering

When a computer system performs activities such as installing software or accessing the internet, the firewall will filter any data or files. 

From the filtered data or files, there will usually be corrupt files or data which will later be detected as a virus or an error.

  • Retrieving Internet Information

When the computer is used to access the internet, the firewall will take all the information that is there. Then, the information obtained will be forwarded to the data and the system.

  • Comparison

All data or information obtained by the firewall will be compared according to the criteria and specifications. 

Later, information will appear that can determine whether the activities carried out contain elements that are harmful to the computer or not.

Types of Firewalls

After discussing the meaning and importance of Firewalls, let's review some types of Firewalls that you can choose from.

1. Packet Filtering Firewall

Packet filtering firewall is the most basic and simplest type of firewall. This type helps you analyze packets (data transmitted between the computer and the server). 

If a packet does not meet the specified security rules (e.g. originating IP address or a certain port number), then the packet will be automatically blocked. 

Unfortunately, the Packet filtering firewall also has weaknesses. For example, you define a rule that traffic is only allowed from certain port numbers.

So, the Packet filtering firewall will allow all visitors from that port number without distinguishing which traffic is suspicious or not. 

2. Stateful Firewalls

Unlike Packet filtering firewalls which only check static information, Stateful firewalls monitor all packet activity from the initial process to your network. 

This type is also known as dynamic packet filtering because of its ability to analyze dynamic information and filter packets based on State and Context. 

In TCP-based connections, for example, there are four control connection states used by the firewall, which are SYN, ACK, FIN, and RST. 

While context includes some metadata that Stateful firewalls use when filtering traffic, such as packet length, destination IP address, and others.

3. Network Address Translation (NAT) Firewalls

Simply put, Network address translation firewalls allow multiple devices on a network to use a single public IP address to connect to the internet. 

The goal is that the private IP addresses of each device are not detected by external networks and protect them from various cybercrimes attacks.           

4. Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW)  

Next-generation firewalls offer more advanced security technology than packet and stateful firewalls. 

This type offers many additional features that will strengthen the security level of your device—starting from IDS/IPS, URL checking, geolocation, to load balancing. 

No less interesting, the Next-generation firewall is also equipped with the ability to detect various forms of threats in just a few seconds. 

Not only that, but this type also has antivirus, anti-malware, and sandboxing features that will help you prevent and remove advanced malware quickly.

Apart from these four types, several other types are also available. Among them are:

  • Personal Firewall 
  • Firewall hardware
  • Firewall software
  • Proxy firewalls 
  • Web application firewall
  • Unified threat management (UTM) firewall
  • Cloud-based firewalls 
  • Firewall as a Service (FaaS)     


A firewall is a front-line security tool for a website, server, network, or online service, but firewall alone will not be enough. 

You also need to combine it with other security systems such as security plugins, antivirus software, VPN, and content filtering.

In addition, also make sure that your website server or online service is equipped with qualified security features to ward off all threats quickly and precisely. 

Harbyjay Official
Harbyjay Official
I am a web designer and developer. Sharing knowledge is my passion and web designing is my interest but it is not bigger than my interest in Islam.

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