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What is a Trojan horse and how to protect yourself?

What is a Trojan horse and how to protect yourself?

The first Trojan horse existed long before computers, in the ancient Greek world of mythical battles and brave soldiers. 

The horse was initially a huge wooden statue gifted to the city of Troy. The citizens didn't know that the giant horse was full of Greek soldiers, ready to invade and take over.

Today, the phrase means something very different, although the concept remains similar and just as destructive.

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What is Trojan horse?

In the modern age, a Trojan horse is a type of malware that infiltrates your computer in disguise and then causes chaos within the system. 

Each type has a specific job to do, which could include the following:

  • Intercept passwords and personal details to gain access to your accounts.
  • Steal bank details and credit card information.
  • Gain control over your computer's network, and corrupt/delete files.
  • Collect personal information to usurp your identity.
  • Expose confidential and secret details about your life.

A Brief History of Trojan Horse Threats

The term first appeared in a US Air Force report discussing computer vulnerabilities in 1974. In 1983, it became widespread after Ken Thompson used the phrase in his famous Turing lecture, where he stated:

“To what extent should one trust the claim that a program is free of Trojan horses? Perhaps it is more important to trust: the people who wrote the software.”

During the 1980s, the Bulletin Board System, which allowed users to break into the Web through a telephone line, caused an increase in Trojan horse malware. 

As computers gained the ability to upload, download, and share files, malicious plugins were injected into operating systems. Today, there are thousands of versions of malware.

Types of Trojans

While Trojans are often labeled as viruses, this is not technically correct. A computer virus will try to spread the infection whenever possible, while a Trojan horse is an individual program with a specific role, such as the following:

  • Rootkit

A rootkit works by hiding particular activities on your computer system. Allows malware to run undetected, increasing the time and amount of damage that can be done with an infection.

  • Backdoor

A backdoor Trojan grants full remote control to the owner, allowing them to edit, upload, download, and delete files. They are often used to hijack personal devices for criminal activities.

  • Exploit

Exploits work by taking advantage of a security hole within your computer software. Whether in a specific application or affecting the operating system itself, they can manipulate the vulnerability to gain direct access to you.

  • DDoS

Standing for “Distributed Denial of Service”, these Trojans will ask your computer to send countless requests to a specific URL, overload the server, and shut down the site.

  • Spyware

Spyware is intended to intercept your personal information. This goal is achieved by copying your files or by using a screen or keylogger to record what you type and what websites you visit.

  • Ransomware

attacks are often carried out using a Trojan. Once the malware is on your computer, it blocks it from targeted areas. The only way to regain access is to pay a fine.

While these are all common types of Trojans, their goals can vary considerably. Most aim to steal information for financial gain. This can include banking information, online gaming details, instant messaging logins, personal contacts, phone details, and much, much more.

How to detect and avoid Trojans

Trojans are incredibly good at hiding. The purpose of their existence is to trick users into installing them and then work behind the scenes to achieve their goals. If you are a victim, you may not even realize it until it is too late. Look for these four signs that could be a warning of something sinister.

  • Unexplained behavior

Any mysterious spikes in CPU usage are definite signifiers of a problem. If your computer has increased its processing for no reason, then a Trojan might be the cause. Use your activity monitor to check what's draining your CPU, and end the action if you find a problem. You can Google processes you don't recognize to determine if they are malicious.

  • System failures

If your system slows down significantly or starts crashing all of a sudden, then it's a sign of a problem. Use a high-quality security suite to see if it can highlight the problem.

  • Spam rise

Pop-ups, annoying advertisements, and a general increase in spam on your system could indicate an adware Trojan. This type of malware distributes infected advertisements to further spread the virus. Avoid clicking on anything suspicious!

  • Unidentified programs

If you spot an app or program that you didn't download, it's cause for concern. Google the name to make sure it's not an important part of the operating system. If not, remove it immediately!

As the online world becomes increasingly streamlined, so do Trojans. There's no guarantee you'll notice a problem, so knowing how to avoid getting one in the first place is also essential.

Tips to avoid being infected

Here are some of the tips that will help you avoid getting infected with a Trojan horse. 

  1. Trojan horses are often delivered via email attachments, in spam emails. By downloading the file, you actively infect yourself. Avoid opening emails from people you don't know.
  2. Fake software is another common transmitter. The victim will choose to install a program, not realizing that she is carrying a Trojan. Only download well-reviewed apps from trusted sources to avoid this problem.
  3. You don't always have to actively download a Trojan virus. Simply visiting an infected website is enough to transfer the infection. Avoid clicking banner ads and visiting weird sites to reduce risk.
  4. Freeware is free software that is easy to download and solves a real problem for the user. While convenient, Trojan horses have been known to take advantage of this type of program. Check the reviews of each freeware before downloading.

How to protect yourself from Trojan threats

Fortunately, although this problem is widespread, there are solutions. By taking preventative steps to protect yourself, you can keep yourself safe from threats.

1. Avoid third-party downloads

Any download is a potential threat. Websites, ads, and messages that contain drive-in downloads often hide malware . Avoid clicking on suspicious banners and links, don't use shortened URLs, and think carefully before choosing to allow any downloads .

2. Stick with trusted sources

Whether it's websites, correspondence or software, trusted brands are always the best choice. If the general public tries and tests the companies, they will know if any problems have arisen. Reputation is king on the internet!

3. Use a Firewall

Firewalls examine data that enters your device from the Internet. While most operating systems come with a built-in software firewall, it's also a good idea to use a hardware firewall version for maximum protection.

4. Install a high-quality Antivirus.

Antivirus and antimalware software is your first line of defense, so having the best is essential. These programs can scan your device for problems and alert you if a problem arises.

Trojan horses are a complex form of malware, so it takes more than the human eye to detect them. Using security software like antivirus and firewalls will give you an extra layer of protection.

Best Antivirus for Trojan Horses

Not all antivirus programs have the ability to detect Trojan horses. In fact, many free or low-cost options may actually be malware in disguise . Keeping this in mind, it is essential to opt for the best solutions that can ensure the security of your device.

1. Norton

Norton is a globally recognized and trusted security brand, with an impressive 100% detection rate . With the LiveUpdate feature, you can scan for all known Trojans, quarantine infection files, and remove any system threats. For a cost saving option, Norton Power Eraser promises to scan and remove malware for free!

2. BitDefender

Known as one of the most reliable antiviruses, BitDefender is excellent at identifying malware and quickly restoring problems . It offers real-time protection and web filtering, with a detection rate of 99.9%. The company also provides a specific tool for aggressive Trojan threats, which is endlessly useful!

3. Avast

Although Avast is not the most powerful antivirus, it does offer a free and cheap version complete with a Trojan removal tool . The app is rated “excellent” by industry experts, and it also provides browser cleanup and password security features.

Although there are other high-quality antivirus and antimalware packages out there, they often do not include an anti-Trojan horse element. Be sure to confirm this feature before making a purchase.


Trojan Horses have been around for almost as long as the Internet. They can be more destructive than most types of malware, simply because they are so hard to detect.

Changing your browsing habits will help prevent an infection, but if you want to ensure your safety, investing in top-notch antivirus is the best option!

Don't wait for disaster to happen; Protect yourself from Trojan threats now. 

Harbyjay Official
Harbyjay Official
I am a web designer and developer. Sharing knowledge is my passion and web designing is my interest but it is not bigger than my interest in Islam.

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