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What is Ransomware and How to Protect Yourself

What is Ransomware and How to Protect Yourself

If you are in the world of technological development or if it is a world that you are passionate about and attracts your attention, knowing the various concepts that involve it should be information of interest. In this article, we will learn about programs to watch out for like ransomware.

When we talk about ransomware, we are talking about a type of malware that, in fact, has been around for several decades now. Knowing it is important, especially in the tech world, so we provide you with all the information about it so that you know the subject in the best way. 

What is ransomware?

Ransomware, is also known as Ransomware Malware, although this is not said for a good thing really. The reason for this is that, since its creation in the 1980s, this type of Malware served to make it impossible for users to access their system and personal files , for which the user had to pay to have their access returned.

Previously, the payment for the ransom or the return of access to the system files was made through postal mail. With the passing of the years and the birth of new digital means of payment or savings, ransomware ransoms began to be made in cryptocurrencies or even credit cards. 

How does ransomware attack? 

One of the best ways to understand what ransomware is is to know what its modus operandi is. And there are several methods or ways with which an internet hacker could infect a computer with ransomware.

One of them, and one of the most popular, is through email spam, which is a massive sending of emails that were not requested, and that usually contain documents and files infected with malware, or links to websites. malicious.

The objective is to convince the attacked user that a trusted institution, a friend or even police forces such as the FBI are speaking to them in order to create fear and urge them to pay sums of money.

This type of malware can also be spread by means of malvertising , which can be opened even on safe or legitimate sites. What happens is that, when said advertisement is opened, it records the location data of the computer in question, in order to be the victim of a malware attack that is usually ransomware. 

What is the difference between malware and ransomware?

The difference may lie in the fact that malware has different types of viruses, that is, there are different types of malware, with different purposes or conditions, and ransomware is only one of them.

Thus, there are also computer viruses, Trojans, spyware, worms, adware and the aforementioned ransomware.

In this way, using the term malware away from the ransom concept is an error. Since they are part of that category, whose characteristics vary with respect to other types of malware. 

How do I protect myself from ransomware?

As serious as ransomware can be, it's actually quite easy to prevent it by following some basic computer security tips. 

How to avoid ransomware?

Just as there are various ways in which a smart computer can be infected by malware, there are also methods to prevent this from happening. However, the first thing to take into consideration is to keep the equipment in question as up-to-date as possible . That is, antivirus and browsers must have update patches.

In this way, by keeping your computer updated, you will have greater protection against any malware. But that's not all, part of the protection involves the personal responsibility of not downloading or clicking on programs or links that are very suspicious.

In addition to avoiding any suspicious links or files, it is also important to safeguard personal information . Analyze well who is asking you for data, and unless it is someone you completely trust, ignore their request.

USB sticks can store malware, so it is recommended not to put USB sticks that you do not know about. And also an important point is to avoid downloading files from unofficial or suspicious sources. Know the owner of the files well and check if there are already other users who have previously downloaded them without problems.

How to remove ransomware?

Removing ransomware can be a task that ranges from easy to impossible. Since it depends on the type of attack, the magnitude and what the hacker intends to achieve.

Sometimes the virus itself can be removed, but access to files can still be restricted, leading users to pay for a key to access them. In fact, it is the most common type of ransomware.

The first thing is to isolate the device that is infected by malware. Next, the type of ransomware must be identified , for which tools such as Crypto Sheriff can be used.

Although, the most advisable thing in these cases is to be able to hire an expert on the subject, so that they can deal with the malware and find a possible solution that is not paying a deposit.

The important thing is to eliminate the malware and be able to access the files, so it will be necessary to evaluate the characteristics of each attack.

What to do in case of a ransomware attack?

The first thing to keep in mind, as we mentioned before, is that the device infected with malware must be isolated, in order to prevent other devices from being exposed or infected.

The next thing is to assess your chances to deal with malware . If you are not an expert in systems, it is best to be able to hire a service so that they can deal with malware and can ensure that all traces of it are eliminated.

This is the most reliable option, exhaust all alternatives before having to pay a deposit to access your files, which would be the last option to apply. 

Some of the most popular ransomware

The most well-known or popular ransomware are those of the blocking or encryption type, such as the well-known “wannacry” . Each one has, let's say, a greater risk than another when it comes to theft and blocking of information.

In the case of lockdown ransomware , what happens is that the computer is limited in terms of its use. The victim, in this case, will not be able to move his mouse, use his keyboard or even have no access to the system. And usually, she has a notice to make a payment in order to unlock the operation of the equipment.

However, in this type of malware it is not common for the attacker to have access to important system files, they simply block their use.

Encryption ransomware , on the other hand, is a bit more dangerous. Since here, if it involves the theft of file information, encrypting them with a password. So you will not have access to them anymore if the equipment and system as such. However, you may have a notice that tells you that you must pay before an estimated time or your data will be deleted.

Therefore, it is important to always have a backup of very important files in the cloud. That way, if there is an attack and the files are affected, there is a backup of them. 

Harbyjay Official
Harbyjay Official
I am a web designer and developer. Sharing knowledge is my passion and web designing is my interest but it is not bigger than my interest in Islam.

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