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How to be an Expert in Cybersecurity?

How to be an Expert in Cybersecurity?

The numbers of computer security experts are increasingly relevant in any company. These professionals are the people who are responsible for the protection of the data or information of the organizations. 

In this post, we will tell you about the functions of a Cybersecurity Expert and how you can become a Cybersecurity Expert.

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Functions of a Cybersecurity Expert

As previously mentioned, Cybersecurity Experts play a key role in preserving information systems. A Computer Security Expert will have to carry out several functions, which include:

  • Define and implement plans focused on protecting the IT assets of a corporation. 
  • Detect and counter attacks and incidents that may affect the computer security of a corporation as quickly and effectively as possible. 
  • Ensure the maintenance of the privacy of information assets with the monitoring and supervision of their use. 
  • Constantly monitor and analyze the security processes applied in a company. So that the effectiveness and constant improvement in each security process can be maintained.

These professionals protect systems from computer risks, threats, and vulnerabilities by monitoring, detecting, investigating, and responding to security incidents. They typically work on IT teams that are dedicated to protecting the integrity of the company's network and data.

How to be an Expert in Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is an area of ​​career opportunity for many. The main reason is the theft of information and cyber attacks that are becoming more frequent. If you want to be a Cybersecurity Expert, we will tell you about the main training options:

  • Degree in Computer Engineering

A 4-year engineering degree will allow you to work professionally in computer centers, hardware companies, financial entities, telecommunications, electricity, high technology, security, and computer consulting firms. To specialize in computer security, you would need a master's degree in Cybersecurity, with which you would add another year to your training.

  • Bootcamp in Cybersecurity

Bootcamps are intensive courses that you can take in a short time. You can join a Full Stack Cybersecurity Bootcamp where in 6 months, you will learn everything you need to manage a company's cybersecurity. 

It consists of various modules where you will master cryptography concepts (Post-Quantum, OpenSSL, VeraCrypt, etc.), pentesting, malware analysis, Machine Learning, and Cybersecurity, among many other professional skills. 

  • FP in Cybersecurity

Some professional training centers offer the Specialization Course in Cybersecurity in Information Technology Environments, which allows you to specialize in the area of ​​computer security and then work as a cybersecurity consultant or as an ethical hacker.

Requirements to be a Cybersecurity Expert

The level of technological knowledge in a Cybersecurity Specialist must be high, as well as that of systems, programming, and networks. Below, we mention some of the specific knowledge that is required of any Cybersecurity Expert:

  • Advanced command of technological environments (SCADA, DCS, visualizations, etc.).
  • Forensic analysis of computer attacks (malware, file systems, information theft, etc.)
  • Detection and analysis of vulnerable points in computer security systems (ethical hacking).
  • Detection and response to attacks and violations of computer security.
  • Domain of different platforms and security systems such as firewall, anti-DDoS, proxies, IDS/IPS, etc.
  • Management and knowledge of current regulations on data security and privacy.

As for all jobs and disciplines, candidates are expected to have a series of professional skills. In the field of cybersecurity, a professional profile that meets the following criteria is expected:

  • Ease and ability to learn: The field of cybersecurity is constantly being updated. You must be willing to learn day by day the novelties that are being incorporated into the sector. It is the key to staying at the forefront of your specialization.
  • Self-learning ability: it is important that you are interested in what is new in the sector and have the initiative and motivation to try to learn different issues on your own.
  • Collaboration and teamwork: the world of cybersecurity has a large community of professionals. The professional skill of teamwork is highly valued in the profession.
  • Innovation and curiosity: looking for curious and creative people to carry out the profession may be one of the first premises you hear from any technician.
  • Availability and flexibility: in the face of a cybersecurity problem, your clients will expect immediate availability from you. A breach in a computer system of an individual or company needs to be repaired as soon as possible. In cybersecurity issues, you have to act quickly and professionally.
  • Intuition: often, you will be presented with problems to solve that are not entirely clear. You must be guided by your intuition to be able to solve the complications that arise.
  • Organization: for any work sector, organization is key. You are expected to be methodical and capable of following action protocols that provide security when carrying out the position's tasks.

Harbyjay Official
Harbyjay Official
I am a web designer and developer. Sharing knowledge is my passion and web designing is my interest but it is not bigger than my interest in Islam.

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