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4 Areas Covered by Cybersecurity

4 Areas Covered by Cybersecurity

Nobody is safe from hackers; it's even often said that anything can be hacked, but if preventive measures are not taken, the risks will be more significant.

Cybersecurity is responsible for protecting sensitive information and covers certain areas that we should all know, especially companies.

This article will explain the 4 areas covered by cybersecurity, the importance of establishing security measures, and a series of recommendations prepared to protect you from cyber-attacks.

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What is Cybersecurity? 

Before talking about the important points of the article, you need to first understand what cybersecurity is. 

In summary, cybersecurity can be defined as the discipline in charge of protecting interconnected systems, particularly the information they handle.

By interconnected systems, we mean everything that makes up computational structures, such as computers, servers, software, hardware, and networks.

We all use devices connected to the internet daily, and the processed data is more than we imagine, from insignificant data to sensitive and confidential information. Cybersecurity is basically responsible for protecting all this data against malicious people, and it does so by utilizing various techniques and technological tools.

Areas covered by computer security

Cybersecurity focuses on certain specific areas to protect confidential and sensitive information, so we will explain the 4 areas that cybersecurity covers.


When we talk about confidentiality, we refer to the property of the information, that is, only a select group of individuals know said information.

Computer security uses certain tools to classify the data that is handled and allow access only to authorized users, in this way information can be protected at a personal level such as bank details or at a business level as information that only administrators should handle.


he integrity of the information consists in keeping it intact without modification. Then, computer security allows only authorized personnel to have access to modify data, while the rest can only view it without being able to make any changes.

Availability : basically it consists of guaranteeing that users with access to the information can have it available when they need it.

Authentication – This area is extremely important because it allows you to confirm that someone is really who they claim to be. Although good measures are in place to guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the information, if someone steals another person's username and password and we cannot realize it, the information will be at risk.

To deal with these 4 areas, better security tools are constantly being developed, however, computer attacks are also being renewed and taking advantage of technological development, making it always necessary to be alert.

Importance of computer security

Cybersecurity is the responsibility of computers, but due to the increasing loss of information, we all must have basic knowledge in order to protect ourselves a little against cybercriminals.

Computer attacks are causing big problems all over the world, from ordinary people to large organizations and governments are at risk. In fact, it is said that this is becoming a more profitable business than drug trafficking, since although many do it just for fun, there are those who make large amounts of money because of it, without even moving from their homes.

Small and medium-sized businesses are the most affected, many of them even close their doors unable to recover from the effects, but if you take action to help prevent these cyberattacks, you can really achieve a lot.

Having cybersecurity strategies and measures is as important as any other operational area of ​​a company. Fortunately, there are very helpful tools and using them undoubtedly greatly reduces risks.


To help ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data, we have created this list of security measures that every company must follow.

Install antivirus and firewall: with these measures it is possible to protect operating systems from malicious software and control access to the network.

Use reliable passwords: each user must have their own account and access password, in addition, they must create well-crafted passwords that are difficult for hackers to crack.

Create backup copies: to guarantee the availability of the data in case of loss or theft of information, backup copies must be made periodically.

Use secure access networks: the best option is to use private networks (VPN), in this way only authorized personnel can access the systems.

Train users: each person must receive basic training to safely use the network and systems, without opening the door to malicious software or any cyber attack.

All companies must have professionals who are in charge of their computer security and it is important for them to be clear about the 4 areas covered by computer security in order to take correct actions.

Undoubtedly, cybersecurity must be one of the priorities for companies to responsibly apply and take advantage of digital transformation. Really, by applying good security measures, the risks can be greatly reduced, therefore we must be aware of the consequences of computer attacks and use the necessary resources to preserve our data.

Harbyjay Official
Harbyjay Official
I am a web designer and developer. Sharing knowledge is my passion and web designing is my interest but it is not bigger than my interest in Islam.

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